About us
We are a family oriented studio and have been in operation since 1999. Master Rich Arteca, Oh Dan (5th degree black belt) is the chief Instructor and has trained in this style since 1983. Tang Soo Do is one of the oldest martial art systems and consists of blocking, punching and both ground and flying kick techniques. Weapons and hapkido techniques which are designed to help smaller individuals defend themselves against larger opponents when the need arises are also taught. Our philosophy on fighting is to avoid it whenever possible and to fight only when other attempts to avoid a conflict have been exhausted.
Arteca's Martial Arts has been a certified studio in the World Tang Soo Do Association since 1999. During this time the student base at our studio has grown dramatically requiring more space than at our previous locations in Potters Mills. To overcome this space limitation we purchased an old Lutheran church located in Spring Mills, PA with over 3,000 square feet of actual training space more than tripling our original space. We have been up and running at this location thanks to the hard work of the students at Arteca's Martial Arts since November 2004.
In 2016, the Penns Valley YMCA opened providing a second location under the direction of Ms. Jeannette Arteca, Sah Dan (4th degree black belt).

Arteca's Martial Arts offers classes offers Tang Soo Do classes for both youth and adults.

123 Long Street - Dojang 1 before renovations in 2004.

Youth martial arts classes are offered Mondays and Wednesdays.

Arteca's Martial Arts offers classes offers Tang Soo Do classes for both youth and adults.
Classes offered
Arteca's Martial Arts is a certified studio in the World Tang Soo Do Association, which currently has studios in 36 countries around the world. The martial art style taught is Tang Soo Do which originated in Korea around two thousand years ago. Today Tang Soo Do techniques and philosophy are still taught as they were in ancient times. Our founder and first Grandmaster Jae C. Shin, Ku Dan (9th degree Black Belt) was the President of the World Tang Soo Do Association. Grandmaster Robert Beaudoin, Pal Dan (8th degree Black Belt) is the current leader of the WTSDA. Arteca's Martial Arts currently holds classes at our Long Street Studio as well as at the Penns Valley YMCA. Please see the information below about all Arteca's Martial Arts has to offer for all ages.