About Us
Arteca's Martial Arts
We are a family oriented studio and have been in operation since 1999. Master Rich Arteca, Yuk Dan (6th degree black belt) is the chief Instructor and has trained in this style since 1983. Tang Soo Do is one of the oldest martial art systems and consists of blocking, punching and both ground and flying kick techniques. Weapons and hapkido techniques which are designed to help smaller individuals defend themselves against larger opponents when the need arises are also taught. Our philosophy on fighting is to avoid it whenever possible and to fight only when other attempts to avoid a conflict have been exhausted.
Why Tang Soo Do?
There are 3 basic reasons for Tang Soo Do training - self defense, health and to be a better person. The self-defense is to be used to protect ourselves and loved ones from danger. Tang Soo Do training promotes our physical and spiritual health enabling us to have strong bodies and sound minds through rigorous training. There are five codes and seven tenets of Tang Soo Do that serve to guide all students. The goal of Tang Soo Do is not to promote violence but rather a way of life. It provides a way of thinking and acting that will guide and teach you in all areas of your life, so that you will be happier, healthier and wiser.
Contact Us
Please use the form to provide your comments, concerns, questions or suggestions to Arteca's Martial Arts. Feel free to call (814) 571-5753.
Arteca's Martial Arts
123 Long Street.
P.O. Box 36
Spring Mills, PA 16875
Arteca's Martial Arts II
115 Streamside Place
Penns Valley YMCA
Spring Mills, PA 16875